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The Wadŗán Chronicles
− On the Wolf Trail −

Paw Paw

I'm still working on this second book of the Wadran Chronicles. It'll be released in the upcoming year, hopefilly.

What is the story about?

Malign events have forced Wolf Wilson to leave his homeland and seek refuge as a refugee on an alien world. To integrate himself into the existing culture becomes an impossible task for him. There is only one way. But this would cost him his humanity. Wolf does not know if he can go this way. An alternative does not seem to exist.

Reading rehearsal

“The Wadŗán Chronicles − Metamorphosis” will soon be translated from german into english. Since I am not a professional translator and do the translation myself, it will take some time.
Nevertheless, I've already done translation of the reading rehearsal. I hope you'll have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. catzwinker

© Pattwóŗ of Wadŗán


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